Farewell to VSC Adviser Jim Hayes

Jim Farewell

After two decades of dedicated service, VSC Adviser Jim Hayes will be moving on from Vanderbilt. He and his family are relocating to Indiana to be closer to their extended family, which is a wonderful opportunity for them.

Jim has been an integral part of our team, particularly in his role advising students in television and radio. His wealth of knowledge, technical expertise, and creativity have left a lasting impact on the thousands of Vanderbilt students he’s mentored over the years.

To honor Jim’s countless contributions to student media at Vanderbilt, VSC this year created The Jim Hayes Award for Uncommon Excellence, and first-year student producer Spencer McKee was the inaugural winner.

The Hayes Award is presented annually to the student staff member of My Commons Life (VSC’s publication for first-year students, produced by first-year students) who best exemplifies the qualities of enthusiasm, dedication, productivity, collaboration, caring, and humor while serving both fellow MCL team members and Vanderbilt’s first-year student community.

While we’ll miss Jim and his contributions to our team, we’re grateful for the time we’ve had together and wish him nothing but success and happiness in his new chapter. Thank you, Jim, for your dedication and commitment to student media at Vanderbilt. You’ll always be part of our community, and we hope to stay connected in the future. #Farewell #BestWishes


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