VSC Student Spotlight: Meet Samuel Boison

Samuel Boison
Samuel Boison, a senior majoring in Cognitive Studies and Medicine, Health, and Society from Frederick, Maryland, is the events director and former station manager for VandyRadio at Vanderbilt Student Communications.
Inside VSC: “I really do have an affinity for the radio station because of the duality it has to let you be a candid personality and also an organized journalistic professional on your show.”
Beyond VSC: Even when he’s not working at VandyRadio, Samuel enjoys all things music. “I bond over it with friends, I have been learning how to DJ over the past year, and I think of ways to incorporate it in my other extracurricular pursuits like Vanderbilt Programming Board Music Group or African Student Union!”
Favorite guilty pleasure: Janet Jackson’s The Velvet Rope album

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