Here’s what previous student participants had to say about Media Intensive:

“I made so many friends inside and outside my track, and they are some of the best people I have gotten to know in a long time.”

“I loved the opportunity to meet new people and explore campus early. It made the transition very easy, and we had a great time.”

“I loved the whole thing. I had an absolutely fantastic time. I don’t have a favorite part because it was all so fun!”

“I enjoyed the opportunity it provided for a social environment with lots of students who shared my same interests. I also found that the upperclassman were extremely helpful in answering my questions about Vanderbilt and student media.”

“I liked being introduced to a whole new world that I had never experienced before.”

“All of the group activities were phenomenal.”

“A very low-key environment. I was always laughing and enjoying myself and nothing felt like work. Zhubin gave us an assignment and even that was leisurely done. I really bonded with my team but my closest friend I made from the program was from neither my team nor my track.”

“The ability to make relationships and feel the vibe of campus before everyone else moved in. We gained a lot of valuable experience in such a short time.”

“It followed very much with Vandy’s work hard, play hard motto. We were kept very busy most of the day but had time to relax and enjoy in the nights with the fun activities.”

“I really like how the instructors recognized that many of us wanted to pursue this as a career, while still many others simply wanted to try it out. As a participant in the latter group myself, I really appreciated their ability to balance instruction in general with instruction according to Vanderbilt’s program. I felt welcomed into Vanderbilt’s media community, without ever feeling like it was being forced upon me due to my participation in Media Intensive.”

“Overall enthusiasm from all the administrators and team leaders, track was both fun and informative.”

“All of the activities and different groups allowed me to meet people I otherwise would not have met.”